I am João,

a computer engineering student.



Do you know why am I using dummy lipsum text? Because I have no idea what to tell you about me.

My Skills

Zeros y Ones

I can develop pretty much anything as long as I got the time to learn before hand

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mauris sed consectetuer.

Etiam et eu, bibendum interdum, lacus quis mauris. Curabitur huea wisi, quisque vel eu, rutrum nam huea mamanaminha huaeh loren aw.

Wow! How skilled you are, uh?

Okay. This one is just to show this pretty giphy gif 😅.

Get In Touch

But wear a mask, wash your hands and read this poem.

🎵 🎵

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I can develop websites

And hide easter eggs just for you

Contact Me
LinkedIn DevTo GitHub

© 2020 Sir Render.